Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Down the Rabbit Hole

Disney plans to introduce a fashion line inspired by its upcoming Tim Burton remake of "Alice in Wonderland" next spring.

Burton's films inspire costumes, but I'm not sure about actual clothing. Sweeney Todd rags anyone?

Disney recently introduced the collection at a Las Vegas fashion event, taking an "unsuspecting ... crowd by surprise as the maddest of tea parties came live before their eyes," according to a news release.

Judging from this video, the release didn't lie. It looks like Cirque to Soleil crashed the party:

There will be clothing and Tom Binns jewelry lines inspired by Alice, the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen, the White Queen and the White Rabbit. Limited edition pieces will go for $1,000 to $3,000.

The 3D version of Alice stars Tim Burton fave Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter.

The film will be in theaters in March. Here's the trailer.

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